Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new blog for you to read

My friend, Trent Seibert, is a journalist with an illustrious background covering local government, war and politics. He's better known for his investigative reporting - and now he has his own blog.

I met Trent through the Sam Adams Alliance and the Samsphere conferences they've hosted. Because of his years doing investigative work, he has a wealth of information about little-known data or public information sources that most would never discover.

Last year, Trent moved to Houston to launch the online news and training center Texas Watchdog. He continues to break stories that uncover politicians’ hypocrisy, that track special interest money and that push for more transparency on government. Already Texas Watchdog has opened up state government by placing legislators’ financial disclosures online and has exposed both Republicans and Democrats‘ conflicts of interest.

I've added him to my list of blog links and hope you'll make his page a regular stop as you cruise the internet.

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