Friday, February 09, 2007


Well, finally!!!! For the first time in several years, it looks like we not only have good ice, but good weather, limited snow and wind all at the same time!!!

This weekend, the Toledo Ice Yacht Club will host their annual regatta, open to the public. It's also the National Renegade Championship on Maumee Bay.

Let's start with the Nationals...These boats are about 20 feet with around 65-70 square feet of sail area. They're one of the larger boats you'll see on the ice. (Photo curtesy of TIYC) If you'd like to see them, there should be good viewing via any of the public access roads in Point Place - at the ends of 116th - 149th streets. Their course starts pretty far out in the bay, so a pair of binoculars may help a bit - at least until they come by.

The other boat you're most likely to see is a DN. These are open cockpits and are steered by a tiller. The Renegades are closed up and only your head sticks steer them with your feet.

As for the Regatta, there's a Friday night party at the Ottawa River Yacht Club on Edgewater Street in the Point. Saturday is the Fun Day with ice boat rides all day long. "Round the Horn Club-Race" will start at 11 a.m. There's also a Poker Run - with sign-up at 10:30 a.m. Of course, no regatta is complete with a big party with live entertainment - that's Saturday Night at ORYC.

So for those who say there's nothing to do in this town, take a drive out to Point Place and enjoy!!!

ps - make sure to dress warmly in layers if you plan on going for a ride...these boats can go up to 40 knots with decent wind and that's a bit chilly when it's just you, the boat, the ice and the sail!!

1 comment:

-Sepp said...

I piloted an iceboat on that lake across from where Cheese Haven used to be up on Catawba. Pretty exciting screaming along at about 50 mph with the thing tilted with a blade up in the air!

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