Friday, March 12, 2010

ACORN out of Ohio

I saw this last night, but didn't get a chance to post about, so my apologies if this is old news to some....but even if it is, it bears repeating: ACORN is out of Ohio's elections.

From the Columbus Dispatch:

ACORN, the liberal group notorious for allegedly trying to inflate voter rolls through fraudulent practices, has seen its last election in Ohio.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now will permanently surrender its Ohio business license by June1 as part of a legal settlement with the conservative Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions, both sides said yesterday.

The original announcement of the lawsuit, with details about the case, is available here.

While the settlement is not public, ACORN will surrender its business license by June 1 and, according to Maurice Thompson, director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, they will "cease to operate in Ohio and cease to support or enable other groups to do what they do."

ACORN, of course, claims they did nothing wrong and have already ceased operations in Ohio for 'other reasons,' though they don't explain what those 'other reasons' are. Some are speculating it has to do with the internal issues ACORN is having nationally, as well as cutbacks in their funds from the government.

And then others are wondering how long this will last. Will they reconstitute under another name and continue their operations, despite the agreement to not "support or enable other groups to do what they do"?

Who knows? But I believe that, despite what others claimed are 'good works' by this group, Ohio is better off without the myriad of problems they caused our elections system.


mud_rake said...

Maggie says Ohio is better off without the myriad of problems they caused our elections system.

Could you list 3 or 4 of the 'myriad' of problems that Acorn 'caused' on our elections system?

Stephanie said...

what are those "myriad problems?"

Maggie said...

Stephanie - in the last several elections, ACORN has been in the news with a host of problems over the voter registrations they submitted...if you do a Google search for news stories about them, you'll be able to see...

Mad Jack said...

We're well rid of them. I expect they'll be repackaged, renamed and under new management in time for the 2012 election, when the voter turnout in Ohio will take a mysterious upward turn.

Maggie said...

mud_rake - see my suggestion to Stephanie....

But we can start with the reason the suit was filed in the first place, plus the Cleveland man that they registered something like 70 times ( I don't remember the exact number, but I'm sure you can look it up if you're still curious).

James said...

Glad to see those "nuts" are gone for now, but like Mad Jack says, they will be repackaged in time for 2012 elections.

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