Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rotating seats and crony appointments

The Lucas County Commissioners appointed Bob Vasquez to the board of the Toledo Zoo.

Yes, Toledo Public School Board member Bob Vasquez.

No - there is no pay and no pension associated with the Zoo Board appointment, but it makes you there no one else in the entire county?

Interestingly, Vasquez was appointed to seat held by Baldemar Velasquez.

Is this some sort of racial quota? Is this seat now going to be considered an Hispanic seat, necessitating the appointment of another individual with Latino heritage when Vasquez finishes his term?

Considering the dismal and extremely troubling TPS audit; the two posts it took to document the serious shortcomings identified in the audit management letter (here and here); their collusion with vendors to raise our taxes - taxes many of those vendors won't even pay; their inability to accurately follow their revenue and expenses resulting in a surprising $11.22 million carryover; and their delay in embracing a state performance audit, don't you think Vasquez has enough on his plate without assuming the additional duties of a Zoo board member?

Shame on the commissioners for not seeking out other qualified individuals - no matter what they may say, I'm certain there are plenty of people willing to take on this responsibility and perhaps better advertising about the vacancy would have given them a larger pool of applicants so they wouldn't have to rely upon elected officials with such full plates.

1 comment:

Timothy W Higgins said...

One can only hope that Mr Vasquez does not contribute to the health of the Zoo, either fiscally or performance-wise, the way that he has to TPS; lest we find ever increasing Zoo levies and under-performing animals wandering the streets in search of Parks Programs.

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