I received an email this morning noting a 'grassroots protest' outside the headquarters of the Ohio Democratic Party.
I couldn't help but wonder just how 'grassroots' is a protest when it's put on by a political party? Isn't this the astroturfing we've been accused of doing all along?
I really don't like it when my party does things like this, but have to point out that if the OHDems were doing the same thing the OHGOP would be having a field day with it.
Perhaps this protest at the Dem party headquarters is part of the national tea party event? Perhaps the GOP just issued the media advisory on behalf of some 'grassroots' citizens? Perhaps....
But if that is the case, then the media advisory should say so.
Come on, GOP - aren't we better than that?
As an aside, though I consider myself a tea party member, I don't support the protests scheduled by the tea party groups. I believe it will take the focus away from the actual scandals and give some Democrats and the media a new story to focus on instead of digging to get to the bottom of who told the IRS workers to target the tea party/patriot groups in the first place.
I think that when your 'opponent' is self-destructing, you don't get in the way.
But that's just me - what do I know?
At least I'm not alone in that opinion...
Here is the email:
May 21, 2013 (614) 477-9113
COLUMBUS - Tuesday, May 21 2012 there will be a grassroots protest outside the headquarters of the Ohio Democratic Party by citizens demanding answers from Ohio Democrats regarding the mounting failures of the Obama Administration.
WHEN: 12:00 p.m.: Protest Begins
WHAT: Citizens' Protest of Ohio Democratic Party
WHERE: 340 East Fulton Street
Columbus, OH 43215
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