Saturday, May 04, 2013

Opening Day for Blair Museum of Lithophanes

Today is the opening day for the Blair Museum of Lithophanes at the Toledo Botanical Gardens. Their season runs through Oct. 27th.

In case you have no idea what a lithophane is, their website explains:

Lithophanes are three-dimensional translucent porcelain plaques which when backlit reveal detailed magical images. First created in Europe in the 1820s, the largest collection of this 19th century art form in the world is now on view at the Blair Museum of Lithophanes.

Lithophane is a term derived from the Greek litho meaning stone and phainen meaning to cause to appear. This Greek derivation has proven confusing to people who might know some basic Greek, but do not know that lithophanes have nothing to do with stone or a stone product, but are made of porcelain.

This is one from their collection that made me smile:

The museum is open weekdays from 1-4 .m. and during special events at the TBG. Kelly Sheehan, the museum's director, is the individual to contact if you want to arrange special visits or tours. You can reach her at 419-245-1365.

The current exhibit is called "Captured in Porcelain."

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