It's part of the kickoff for a month of events celebrating and highlight our great Point-Shoreland community.
The day starts at 7 a.m. with a Pancake Breakfast at the Harbor Light Lodge #746, 3024 131st Street The Placers Car & Truck Show begins at 10 a.m. at Friendship Center, 2930 131st, and runs through the afternoon. The Dress Your Pet Contest and Decorate Your Bike Contest is at 11 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church, 4731 N. Summit, and participants are invited to walk in the parade. The American Legion Post #110 opens their chicken barbeque at 11 a.m. and they will do to-go boxes so you can eat while you enjoy the parade...they're at 5110 N. Summit.
On Tuesday, June 11th, the Point Place Library hosts an outdoor concert beginning at 7 p.m. Bring your own chairs or blankets.
The annual Canoe Race and Chicken & Ribs BBQ at Cullen Park is Friday, June 14th from 4-8 p.m. June 14th is also Flag Day, so at 9 p.m. there will be a Flag Ceremony/Lantern Walk from Cullen Park to the Lighthouse. Always a nice way to end the day.
June 22nd is the huge and fun Washington Township Summer Fest from 2 - midnight at Shoreland Park. My favorite event (and by fare one of the best in the entire county) is the Fireworks Display hosted by the Washington Township Fire Department at 10 p.m. They launch the spectaular explosions from the Fred C. Young Bridge which covers the Ottawa River on Summit Street between 131st and Shoreland. Expect heavy volumes of traffic before and after as well as the closure of the bridge.
There are tons of fun things going on all month long, so come on out to the Point and enjoy with us!
To see a complete list of events, times and locations, go here.
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