Sunday, January 22, 2012

National School Choice Week

Today is the beginning of National School Choice Week - with a goal of "shining a spotlight on effective education options for every child."

There are events across the nation - and you can find one near you by going to

School choice is very basic: it consists of 'allowing' (though no one should be granting such permission in the first place) families to select the school(s) that bests meet their child’s needs. Heritage Foundation has published a video the explains school choice, how it can benefit parents and their children and, most importantly, why school choice is needed today more than ever.

School choice is critical because, as the Put Kids First website says:

kids should be able to read their diploma


America shouldn’t be 35th in anything.”

but even more importantly

Because children shouldn’t be condemned to failure because they live in the wrong zip code.”

Take some time this week to learn about school choice and why so many people support it.

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